
Seishin Ryu Tode - The Pure True Hand of Ryukyu and China

Greg Lindquist, Hanshi, Founder ZKKR/Oyakata Kobujitsu


Pure True Hand of Ryukyu and China

Literal translation

SeiPure True (kanji the same as the Sei in Oyata Seiyu’s first name)

ShinTrue (kanji the same as Shin in Taika‘s Shin Shu Ho)

Ryu – Of Ryukyu

TodeChina hand (traditional Tang dynasty name of the life protection arts of Okinawa before the term karate)

Seishin Ryu Tode (SRT) is amongst the highest honors bestowed in the Zensekai Karate and Kobujitsu Remei.  This honor will be sparingly awarded and the individuals that receive it will be highly dedicated with decades of training in the art.

While it is similar to Taika Oyata’s Shin Shu Ho, this is purely a ZKKR honor.

The recipients will be off high character, dedicated karateka, and leaders within ZKKR.  SRT is not a passive recognition.  Members are expected to continue to train in the art as well as help lead the organization.  This leadership role can take many forms.  Teaching, running a dojo, hosting seminars, assisting with administration of the organization, and other such forms that help keep the art alive.  Not just one of those but multiple aspects will be expected of SRT members.

Seishin Ryu Tode Members