Certificate Text
In recognition of your dedication and perseverance to the Life Protection Art
of Taika Oyata, Hanshi Greg Lindquist under the auspices of the Nin Tei Sho
scroll, awards you this certificate of Kyoju Dairi (Representative Instructor) in
both Zensekai Karate Kobujutsu Renmei and Oyakata Kobujutsu. Hanshi Greg
Lindquist further recognizes the vital role you have had in the creation and
furtherance of ZKKR and Oyakata Kobujutsu. The holder has the full rights and
responsibilities to teach and spread the arts of ZKKR and Oyakata Kobujutsu.
Kyoju Dairi literally translates to "Representative Instructor"
From Wikipedia:
Kyōju Dairi (教授代理, "representative instructor") is a teaching certificate employed by various Japanese koryū, or traditional martial arts.
Employed by Sōkaku Takeda in the early part of his career to designate a high level of understanding of the Daitō-ryū aiki-jūjutsu system, later he added a higher level designation known as the menkyo kaiden. Thus his earliest high-ranking students such as Sagawa Yukiyoshi (who was once asked to serve as the inheritor of the art and so we must assume had a very thorough understanding of the art), were only awarded the kyōju dairi. Some of those known to have received this certificate from Sokaku were Yukiyoshi Sagawa, Taiso Horikawa, Kodo Horikawa, Kōtarō Yoshida, Morihei Ueshiba and Takuma Hisa.
Kyoju Dairi and how it is used for ZKKR & Oyakata Kobujutsu
The context of Kyoju Diari for ZKKR and Oyakata Kobujutsu is to explicitly detail the desire of Hanshi Lindquist to formally recognize the efforts of the holders of the certificate to continue the legacy of Taika Oyata’s Life Protection Art. Further, the holder is recognized as being able to act on behalf of Hanshi Lindquist when he is unavailable.