
Dedicated to preserving the Okinawan Life Protection Art founded by Taika Seiyu Oyata

Hanshi Lindquist on cover of Bugeisha Magazine

Hanshi Greg Lindquist

Hanshi Lindquist is Taika Oyata’s longest continuous student and the only living student with express written permission from Taika Oyata to give rank in his (Taika’s) Art.

Kuzushi Te

Zensekai Karate Kobujutsu Renmei is an organization for those who wish to study the classical Okinawan warrior ways. All levels and styles of karate practitioners are welcome. In addition, the organization allows fellow long-time students to continue their study and maintain the evaluation & expectations passed to us by Taika Seiyu Oyata in the ways of effective life protection.

Preserving the art through in person and virtual training.  Learn the art of protecting yourself, your loved ones, innocent bystanders, and even the aggressor.

Oyakata Kobujutsu is the study of ancient martial arts weapons.  These are included in the ZKKR organization and offered as a separate organization for those martial artists that wish to expand their training in the ancient weapons.

Taika Seiyu Oyata and Hanshi Lindquist

Taika Seiyu Oyata and Greg Lindquist

Interested in finding out more about ZKKR and Oyakata Kobujutsu?

Schedule a free 30-minute virtual session with either Hanshi Lindquist or Kyoshi Wuenstel to find the answers!
